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This is very much a first impressions review as I have only just received the bag. This is a superb quality bag. Everything about the design is strong, solid and manages to give the impression it expects to be around for years. At 15mm the padding is thinner than some but it is made of stiff foam rather than fabric foam and it feels like it will withstand all sorts of clumsiness without damage. The bridge is protected by an extra pad and the handles are really chunky and well riveted to the body of the bag. A couple of sizing issues - my bass is on the cusp between a large 3/4 and a small 4/4 in height but without a massive top bout( (top bout - 50, bottom bout - 68, height to bridge - 43, top of scroll to bottom of body not including spike - 187, body length - 117cm). This nominally 3/4 bag takes my bass with ease. There is about 1-2" spare in height, possibly so much because the bouts aren't stuffing it full of bass and hence there's a bit of slack. Either way, for a small 3/4 bass this bag would be pretty massive. The other sizing issue is the bow pocket which is only big enough for a single bow case. It seems a meanness not to include enough fabric to fit a double bow case. Doing so wouldn't cause any problems for single bow cases. Anyway, overall impression is massively favourable, though as ever time will tell once I actually start using it out of the house.
Sam Barrett - 01/08/2022This bag looks great. It's soft interior is great for the bass and it feels as though it has enough padding. The handles are tough stuff. It covers the bass well. I have had mine 3 years+ now. The case comes with pitfalls. The zips on the case broke in the first few months and aren't an easy fix. The little rivets that fasten on the handles can cut through the interior lining of the bag. The rivet ended up exposed inside the bag and started to cut away at one of my strings, eventually leading to me having to change the set due to damage. A good bag with lots of room for improvement.
Mark - 06/06/2021Absolutely solid soft case. Really pleased with the quality and fit of the bag on my double bass. Highly recommended.
Jerome Barton - 16/09/2019