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Crafted in Bali, using traditional methods and materials, this monkeydrum is easy to play and creates a fantastic loud sound.
By rotating the drum between your palms you can create a double beat with the swinging beaters striking the drum skins. Increase speed and the ferocity of your spins for a louder, more intense sound, or play softer by rolling the drum gently between your fingers.
These Balinese monkey drums are made using sustainable resources and are sourced using Fair trade principles. See below for more information about the Honestly Made range of musical instruments from Percussion Plus.
These items are musical instruments not toys and there may be small parts on or in some of them. Younger players should use them under supervision.
The act of rolling the instrument between your fingers is the perfect way to develop fine motor skills in young children. The drum is also great for use in music therapy sessions, in schools and for recordings.