WindStars is a 3-level program which can be easily adapted to fit into existing programs:
Level 1 Sound Before Sight
Written for the general music classroom, level one encourages students to learn by ear as much as possible. This level is available in either standard or iconic notation. Students will use instruments to explore their musical creativity, develop fine and gross motor skills, and proper playing techniques.
- Designed for ages 5-9
- Written for Nuvo Dood & Toot Instruments
Level 2 Instrument Essentials
Books are intended to build on the experiences in Level 1 and those learned in general music classes. Level 2 is written for individual and/or class lessons that extend woodwind and brass skills while playing fun tunes in various genres. Level 2 focuses on articulation, time signatures, breathing techniques, and improvisation.
- Designed for ages 6-10
- Written for Nuvo Clarineo, jFlute, jSax, and jHorn Instruments
Level 3 Pre-Band Ensemble
Books are intended to build on the experiences in Level 2. Level 3 is written for individual and/or class lessons that extend woodwind and brass skills while playing fun tunes in various genres. Level 3 focuses on small ensemble playing and includes duets, trios, and quartets. Supplemental tunes can be downloaded for free from the WindStars website in PDF format, along with backing tracks.
- Designed for ages 7-10
- Written for Nuvo Clarineo, jFlute, jSax, and jHorn Instruments
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