A revolutionary brass style instrument from Nuvo suitable for all ages and abilities.
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Nuvo Flute small silicone pad
Nuvo Flute spare springs
Nuvo Flute trill key replacement set
Nuvo Flute/TooT First Note Lip Plate
Nuvo Flute/TooT Standard Lip Plate
Nuvo jFlute 2.0 outfit
Nuvo jFlute case
Nuvo jFlute left hand A key replacement
Nuvo jFlute left hand G key replacement
Nuvo jFlute upgrade kit
Nuvo jFlute, Clarineo, jSax and jHorn School Spares Kit
Nuvo N235 Student flute outfit
Nuvo school desk stand – 12 Clarineos and Flutes
Nuvo student flute complete head joint
Nuvo WindStars jFlute class set of 10
Nuvo WindStars Student flute class set of 4